In ancient Rome, the Vestals were the priestesses of Vesta, the goddess of home, family and hearth. they guarded the sacred flame in the temple, if the fire died out, the high priestess would accuse one of the virgins of unchastity and sent one of them to the underground chamber for the rest of her life as punishment for such an act. Throughout history, many artists have used the Veiled Virgin as the basis for their masterpieces. Most of these works represent Vestals with a veil, showing innocence and decency. I have lived in a society where veiling is a means of misogyny and fettering freedom. And the subject of Veiled Virgin immediately reminded me of the society in which I live. Here, Veiling is an excuse for power seekers to throw women, who are an important part of society, out of the scene. This coercive veil does not reflect free choice because it muffles the cry of freedom. This is an example of suffocation and ignorance which with the complicity of each other, destroys the human life.
Iranian Marble
the model was digitally sculpted and with the help of my friend Mohsen Zare, used 4 axis cnc for milling, the details were carved by hand later on.Photographs were done by Nima Ghari